Our approach has been honed by years of experience working with a broad array of international clients. We can provide immediate help, significant efficiencies, scale and the reliability needed to support our clients’ ongoing requirements.
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Virtual Family Office

GPS are pioneers in the development and operation of Virtual Family Offices since 2012. We provide a truly customised experience for successful coordination of financial and family affairs – without the extensive costs of creating and maintaining a traditional family office structure.

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Personal COO

Whether you want to evaluate how operations are working, are thinking about setting up your own family office, would like to learn more about our fractional COO approach or need expert assistance for short-term or long-term needs, get in touch with us to discover how we can help.

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GPS provides historical and current income and expenditure reviews for clients and advisors. This can be one off reviews or focused on a particular geography, asset or entity. GPS work with staff members to implement and support an efficient expense process which incorporates out of pocket expenses, petty cash, easily creating an tracking budgets. Using proven processes and uses our proprietary mobile app, staff satisfaction increases and they have more time to focus on their primary role.

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Asset Summary

GPS Asset Summary makes all assets visible in one place. This central overview improves visibility and enables more pointed professional advice and planning.

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GPS provide clients with external insight, ideas, and an independent perspective. This can be as simple as regular informal engagement with a principal(s) or as part of a more formal family governance structure which GPS can also design and implement.

The GPS approach to expenditure management and budgeting, which is clear and consistent, has been invaluable in enabling us to have a complete and clear picture of our affairs, to achieve efficiencies and to plan ahead. The insight provided has played an essential role in our lives – something we need, not just something that’s nice to have.

Find out how we can help you